The biggest news to hit geek culture, nay movies in general (!), recently was the revelation that not only would there be a new Star Wars Trilogy, kicking off with Episode VII in 2015, but that sci-fi maestro J.J. Abrams would be set to direct. It was the most jaw-dropping Star Wars exposé since Darth Vader, in the dulcet tones of James Earl Jones, stated categorically that he was Luke’s’ pappy! Since this momentous pronouncement by new Lucasfilm owners Disney, one doggedly persistent rumour that hasn’t shown any signs of dying is that the original big three of the Star Wars franchise, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, would return in some form.
Well, according to Latino Review this is no longer purely supposition, at least not in the case of the one and only Mr. Ford. Disney have so far not denied or corroborated this intelligence so we’ll just have to wait until something more official and concrete, but it certainly is interesting. In what capacity will he make his come back to pop-cultures most revered sci-fi property, you ask? Well, it is unknown at this time. With the reports only last week regarding the very strong possibility of both Boba Fett and young Han Solo stand alone movies, Ford may be reprising his role as everyone’s favourite space pirate in these as well as, or instead of, the three new Star Wars films. Either way, it’ll be great to welcome back the scruffy, looking nerf-herder!
What do you think about Harrison Ford’s return? At almost seventy-one is he too old to pilot spaces fastest hunk o’ junk or will Solo always possess the charm of a scoundrel and the helm of the Millenium Falcon?