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PODCAST: The Geek Chorus Episode 18: The Force Awakens

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The Force Awakens is the Star Wars film that the world has been waiting for. Have you heard of it? It’s just that little movie that broke EVERY RECORD EVER! Mike, Cody, and Rob just can’t stop talking about how good The Force Awakens was. Plus, they go in depth as to what The Force Awakens means for the future of the franchise and how much a movie like The Force Awakens means to fans of Star Wars worldwide. Not only that, they go into speculation and fan theories as to the origin of Rey, what happens to Captain Phasma, and even what to expect with Rogue One, but most of it is going to be how cool the new characters are in The Force Awakens. If you’ve got your own theories about what, who, where, and why things happen in The Force Awakens, leave them in the comments below. Don’t forget to listen to previous episodes on iTunes, Stitcher, and of course, our host site, How Do I Jump.