Anyone can make a webcomic but few are able to push through the sea of oversaturated self publish work and truly shine. Not only that, but creators are constantly competing against behemoth’s like Marvel or DC. Initially released for free on Webtoons, an app that allows artists to publish webcomics, Last Stop is a superhero graphic novel written by Trey Walker and illustrated by Hoyt Silva. It’s always a pleasant surprise to see something like Last Stop not only become a successful webcomic in its own right but also finally be given a chance to shine in print form.
Last Stop is not exactly a quiet story; it has the leveling of cities, robots, and an evil madman. But its core is about a haunted man grappling with a fatal diagnosis of cancer. Lincoln Adams is a superhero in a world where supers are obsolete due to a war that occurred years ago, killing most of his comrades. The cancer diagnosis is the final nail in the coffin for Link, who feels helpless in the face of change.
The madman is one Professor Blach, and his entrance complicates things for Link to say the least. Link hopes to die fighting Blach, a fitting end for a super. However, Link’s poetic viewpoint is shattered when Blach unleashes a girl named Abby who mysteriously has similar powers to our main hero. Despite this confrontation, make no mistake: Blach may get the plot going, but he is not the real villain. The villain is cancer and being left behind in a world that relentlessly moves forward, which is executed perfectly by Walker. Last Stop also uses boldly inked lines and simple coloring reminiscent of Mike Mignola‘s work, which gives a clean look to the art that is pleasing without being distracting.
Webcomics allow smaller, independent voices to still be heard. Walker is able to balance the grandiose elements of standard superhero comics but mix it with the small, quiet moments one might find in a more drama-oriented comic. This balance keeps the story fresh, interesting, and unique. It teaches us that the world moves forward with or without us, though this does not mean we should forget the past. The past is more than just memory, it is action and a window to the future. It is what we have forgotten and what we should uphold.
Last Stop is published by Scout Comics and is currently available on their website. Be sure to grab your copy today! Have you read Last Stop? What did you think of it? Let us know in the comments below or send us your thoughts on Twitter!