Digimon Adventure, the first season of Digimon’s long-running anime began airing in 1999, spawning...
Author - Mark Russell
How “Bendy and the Ink Machine” Draws From Animation...
At the beginning of the year, Mickey Mouse’s first animated short Steamboat Willie fell into the...
Ace Lightning: Unleashing A Heroic Children’s Classic
In 2023, the death knell for British children’s television was sounded. It was announced that both...
6 Superheroes Who Should Join the Defenders
The release of Echo signalled the official confirmation that Netflix’s Defenders series are a part...
Godzilla Through the Ages: The Reiwa Era
In 2004, Toho officially retired Godzilla after fifty years of destruction. A decade later, the...
RetrOZpective: Emerald City (2017)
It feels appropriate that the final review in our RetrOZpective is Emerald City, the short-lived...
Halloween Review: Pulse (2001)
The first shot of Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s film Pulse (aka Kairo) involves a woman standing with her back...
RetrOZpective: Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return (2014)
The Wizard of Oz’s secret as a powerless charlatan, hidden behind a curtain of mystery, feels like...
RetrOZpective: Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
Oz the Great and Powerful is Disney’s third try on adapting Oz to the silver screen. Though Return...
RetrOZpective: Tin Man (2007)
The merry old land of Oz is no stranger to bleak and dystopian adaptations. Everything from Return...