
5 Minor Marvel Characters We Want to See on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

1. Werewolf by Night


Seeing as the Marvel Cinematic Universe does not shy away from the more fantastical elements of Marvel’s 50 year history by having aliens and inter-dimensional gods, why not go all out and feature a 100% supernatural character? Werewolf by Night (real name: Jack Russell, as in the dog) was once a popular leading character, before being sidelined to occasional supporting appearances. Which is a shame really, because he’s the friggin’ Werewolf by Night! Able to transform between his human and wolf forms at will, he has duelled with Dracula, fought alongside the resurrected Punisher (Franken-Castle, yeah), been transformed into a werewolf/zombie hybrid, protected the child of Hrimhari and Wolfsbane, and been a member of both the Legion of Monsters and the Midnight Sons. Hopefully Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. will embrace Marvel’s history with the supernatural, because if the show aims for realism, then what’s the point? It may as well just be any other spy show.

And unlike zombies and vampires, werewolves have never really become a big part of the zeitgeist. And if anyone can change that, it’s Mr. Whedon.


Which other Marvel characters do you want to see on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

About the author

David Gelmini