Features Film

Our 6 Casting Choices for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

5. Dave Franco/Sarah Hyland

DF and SH


Like I said before, I think that going young is the right decision for these characters, and I think these two would make an excellent pair. Dave Franco, younger brother of James Franco, has appeared in Scrubs and 21 Jump Street, among other roles. I think he would make an excellent impetuous Quicksilver, the kind that runs in without analyzing the situation. Sarah Hyland, known for her role as Haley Dunphy on Modern Family, would do well playing what I like to call the “cracked doll” version of Scarlet Witch. Hyland’s Wanda could be the one that’s just slightly off-kilter, the version whose powers have pushed her just over the edge into insanity, but not so far that she’s completely incoherent. And obviously still enough in control to be badass when she needs to be.

Their relationship could be built on Franco’s Pietro being overly protective of Hyland’s Wanda, and the friction resulting from Wanda not wanting Pietro to look after her. I feel like these two would make a really nice pair and that the roles would give both of them a chance to really show off their acting skills.

Plus, Franco’s totally got the eyebrows for Quicksilver.

– David

About the author

Robert Wallis

You can also read Rob's work at www.ofallthefilmblogs.blogspot.com.