Comics Features

Top 6 Creepiest Marvel Villains

3. The Thousand

The Thousand

Warning: anyone suffering from arachnophobia look away now!  While witnessing a battle between Spider-Man and the Rhino, Carl King continued to tell himself that Peter Parker stole the life that should have been his. Stalking Parker in ever aspect of his life, The Thousand introduced himself in front of Parker by literally peeling away his human form to reveal a thousand spiders. Quite the fitting villain for Spider-Man: one spider versus a thousand, all with the same speed and gymnastic capability. Now if a thousand mutated spiders isn’t enough to make your skin crawl, you are a braver person than I am!


2. Terror


Terror’s full past and dimension of origin are uncertain. In the distant past, he battled a green bear-like demon that threatened early mankind, sacrificing his own form to overcome it; he was then cursed to wear its decayed form but gained its power. With the ability to replace his own body parts with other organisms, living or dead, he also inherits the memories of the former users of those parts. As well as being organ hoarder, Terror can also release a molecular acid that swiftly targets a victim’s joint and surrounding tissue, enabling him to tear a new limb from anyone in range. Just imagine being melted away by a demon with numerous decaying body parts –  not for the faint hearted!


1. The Marquis of Death

The Marquis of Death

Formally known as Clyde Wyncham, Jr, the Marquis of Death was confined to Area 87 until it came under attack from several of Reed Richards’ greatest enemies, all of whom sought to kill Clyde. In their arrogance, Clyde was freed with his mind fully restored. With a single thought, Clyde killed all of the villains around him and, by doing so, his appetite for slaughter awakened. With the appearance of a creature that could seemingly fit into the surroundings of Silent Hill, The Marquis of Death face offers no emotion simply a rotted set of teeth and real aura of Death.


Now that I have well and truly added a little more creep into your lives I would just like to remind you all that although these hideous creatures may exist within the MCU there is always a knight in shinning armour to save us, so just before you go to bed tonight no one would blame you if you checked under your bed and left a light on just in case you have a few nightmares.

That was my thoughts on the Top 6 Creepiest Villains what where your thoughts? Can you think of anyone creepier? As always we would like to hear your thoughts and views so get back to us on Twitter!

About the author

James Ugalde