Yip Yip (previously entitled Sevillana) is a series of short comics, created by Marina Williams, that follow the adventures of Sev and her off-kilter pals. Usually revolving around holidays such as New Years, Halloween, the release of Fifty Shades of Grey…*wait what?*, the Yip Yip comics take normal world situations and add a whole lot of strange to them. Each comic is presented like a skit. While some of the jokes are expected punchlines, they are all amusing . I do like that each comic is no longer than a page. I feel like if it were more than one page, the jokes would overstay their welcome. That being said, when reading Yip Yip, it’s best not to read them all in one sitting. Rather read them with some time in between, otherwise the ridiculousness of the world Williams conveys loses its wit. Williams, herself, seems to know this as she releases a new comic every couple of weeks.
At Yip Yip’s core is its cast of characters. Besides Sev, which is basically me (brown-ish hair, glasses, an asshole), the other two humans are expert alien hunter Barry and FBI agent Chet McFluffin AKA Fluffy. However, the two characters that really take the cake are the non-humans. First there is Pickles, Sev’s cat. He’s a green fire breathing cat with a Sailor Moon obsession…What’s not to love? And then there is Sed Tanders, the most amazing banana ever. Literally, I want to see more of Sed Tanders. He is an irate alcohol enthusiast who constantly hits on Sev, but is not taken seriously…because…he’s a piece of fruit. I wonder if he is related to the “Peanut Butter Jelly Time” banana (Is that racist?).
I do have to say though, I am still a little confused as to how I feel about these comics. Don’t get me wrong, I like them and I find them entertaining, but I think what confuses me is the tone. Most of the time, it feels like a comic that is acceptable and geared for a younger audience. The humor is kind of similar to a knock knock joke or those one liners you find at the back of a Laffy Taffy wrapper (not a sponsored sentence). But then all of the sudden, a sexual innuendo or a curse word is thrown in there, and it makes me not want to show this comic to a child. At the same time, the adult humour is not that bad, but…maybe I was just corrupt as a child. Still, I think that Williams could benefit by either staying clear of any type of questionable gags or by launching a full on raunchy attack.
Nevertheless, if you’re looking for a couple of chuckles, a green cat that likes cosplay, or something to read after you’ve been fired for things you shouldn’t have said at work, Yip Yip is definitely worth checking out.
What’s your favorite Yip Yip moment? Sound off in the comments or send us your thoughts on Twitter!