Comics Features Reviews

Finding Home Volume 2: The Healer Warms the Heart With its LGBTQ+ Romance

One of the great things about indie comics is the variety of relationships it presents. Far too often, mainstream media is afraid to delve into much needed diverse romances. Finding Home Volume 2: The Healer is a poignant example of love: the butterflies in your gut, the struggles, the fear, etc. It tells the story of a relationship we can all relate to, and root for.

The story is set in a fantastical world with faes and humans living together. Chepi, of the fae world, guards his heart with all his being. But his walls start to fade as his journey continues with Janek, a human who is just eager to get home. Does their budding relationship have a place in Janek’s old life and will this relationship have a leg to stand on before they arrive?

Hari Conner is masterful in their writing. The relationship between Chepi and Janek will melt your heart one moment and then crush your hopes and dreams the next. There is a mesmerising push and pull of drama; the story sinks its teeth into your very heart and soul and refuses to let go. The struggles that both characters must face as they draw closer to one another will tug at any heartstring.

Conner’s story is equally matched with their artwork. Character designs are diverse and lively. Conner takes the time draw blooming flowers, dry leaves, and vines in Chepi’s hair to signify his internal conflicts. It’s brilliantly done and you can easily spend hours just analysing his character growth through this small yet powerful detail alone.

For a story that primarily focuses on two travellers, readers will also still get a strong sense of just how encompassing this world is. Through flashbacks, readers will be pleasantly surprised to find the variety of characters that make up this unique realm. Colours are vivid throughout this comic, adding emphasis on the fantastical setting. Any magic that is performed is drawn beautifully. This comic is not just a romance but a love letter to nature. Readers will find themselves getting swept away in the beauty of each panel.

This comic is award-winning for a reason. There is a lovable charm and magic to it that makes it impossible to abandon. The final moments of this volume will leave you begging for more. It’s a story that your heart won’t be satisfied with until you’ve seen it through to the end. All we can say is: when is Volume 3 coming out?

You can purchase your copy of Finding Home Volume 2 here! If you enjoyed this comic as much as we did, let us know in the comments below or send us your thoughts on Twitter!

About the author

Jillian Diblasio