Features Film

The Top 5 Things We Want To See In The New Star Wars Trilogy

The Star Wars movies have entered many words, concepts and characters into the modern lexicon; wookiee, TIE fighter, Yoda, Jedi, Death Star, ewok and many, many others.  The Star Wars movies are so prevalent in today’s society that they have penetrated all strata of our pop culture.  The Star Wars universe is so vibrant and richly detailed that it is akin to a modern mythology, one to rival even Homer himself (ancient Greek poet, not bright yellow buffoon).

The utmost care has always been taken when creating any additions to the Star Wars galaxy.  When Lucasfilm artists produce a new design, be it a different race or a new planet, everything associated is carefully thought through from the largest issues to the smallest minutiae.  The love, care and attention to detail invested are some of the contributing factors to why the films are so successful and attract so many fans worldwide.

But we’re all aware what has come before, what is to follow?  As we don’t yet know what we’ll get with the new Star Wars canon, what would we like to feast our eyes upon?  Well, here is our list of the Top 5 Things We Want To See In The New Star Wars Trilogy.

5. New Vehicles


Star Wars can be characterised by many things, and one is certainly the plethora of amazing vehicles.  They are so awesomely ‘alien’, in the truest sense of the word.  None are like anything we have ever seen before and that is what makes them wonderous to behold.  Some are space-based with A-Wings (pictured above), B-Wings, X-Wings, Y-Wings, Corellian Corvettes, ARC 170 Starfighters, Super Star Destroyers and, the greatest of them all, the Millenium Falcon.  While some, on the other hand, such as AT-AT Walkers, AT-ST’s, AT-RT’s, Speeder Bikes, Land Speeders and Sand Crawlers are happier on the ground.  Either way, what we want to see as viewers are some more exellently designed, interesting and fun craft of all shapes and sizes!

About the author

Chris Spence

You can read more of Chris' work on his blog http://filmandmoviehotspot.blogspot.co.uk/ and follow him on Twitter @TheRetroSamurai