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Top Ten Episodes of The Venture Bros.

3. Showdown At Cremation Creek 

Showdown at cremation creek

In this two-parter episode that I’m going to just count as one, The Monarch proposes to Doctor Girlfriend, who produces a literal list of demands for the relationship, most significant of which being that Monarch never arch Doctor Venture ever again.

In a cruel twist of fate back at the cocoon, hung over/pummeled Monarch henchmen realize they captured Brock Samson and the Venture Family in a drunken campaign the night before.

While getting a tramp stamp of a butterfly tattoo, 21 realizes that Brock is getting a tattoo of Icarus from that Led Zeppelin album on his arm. Henchmen bum rush him, incapacitate Samson with some expected casualties, instantly realizing that Doctor Venture is now defenseless.

Though the Monarch could finally solve his deep-rooted and yet never specifically explained hatred for Doctor Venture, love takes prevalence, as he begrudgingly makes impromptu groomsmen out of the Venture Family.

Just so many stories are happening at once through the course of this two-parter, giving you an idea of just how far the Venture Bros. Universe stretches back, helping create a dynamic universe. While the Venture Compound is vacant for instance, Doctor Orpheus calls together a training session for the Order of the Triad, featuring The Master Shake Dana Snyder as the master of the mystical, The Alchemist, and a nod to Blade The Vampire Hunter with diabetic Blacula hunter Jefferson Twilight.

Is it racist to go only after Black Vampires? I don’t know, because by definition vampires are not people so it’s something of a moot point to care about the color of their undead skin.

A slighted Phantom Limb tries to launch his Guild of Calamitous Intent battalion against the Monarch to not only disrupt the marriage, but also perform a coup d’état on The Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent, revealed to be David Bowie. Bowie’s entourage of Iggy Pop and Klaus Nomi prove to be turncoats, as the street-walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm and the plastic armored countertenor launch a sonic scream and “Pop”-Dragonball Z style orbs of destruction filled melee against the rarely partnered Bowie, Brock and Monarch trio.

Brock dons some butterfly henchmen wings as well, becoming field leader for the Monarch’s henchman as they realize that their wings are actually fully functional. This discovery leads to a Death Star Trench run meets Saving Private Ryan meat grinder dog fight in the Grand Canyon, with a bunch of guys in butterfly suits squaring off against missile-pod bearing attack helicopters. Hank sneaks into the fray in a retro fuzzy henchman suit, proving that his inner Brock isn’t all just for show and channeling Luke Skywalker as his spirit guide.

Meanwhile, Dean hallucinates off of whatever fuel powers a gigantic floating cocoon in the super-spooky engine room, bringing about a Never Ending Story spirit quest to include every supporting character that couldn’t make it to the Monarch’s wedding.

Brock leads the Henchmen into their proudest moments as this epic shines as one of the best episodes of the series. From Doc’s recitation of “Jesse’s Girl” to Phantom Limb losing his phantom penis there is nary a flawed moment in this masterpiece.


About the author

Chris Davidson