2. Elizabeth Olsen is Scarlet Witch in Avengers: Age of Ultron
The only actress on this list and the only one of the bunch that we will actually get to see on screen is the newly announced Wanda Maximoff AKA Scarlet Witch in Avengers: Age of Ultron: Elizabeth Olsen. There was much speculation surrounding the character, and not only from us, with Saoirse Ronan rumoured to be the frontrunner before declining the offer. Olsen has now been confirmed for the role, and while Kick-Ass himself, Aaron Taylor Johnson is rumoured to be playing her twin brother, Quicksilver, it has yet to be confirmed.
We’re just glad it’s Elizabeth and not one of the actual Olsen twins.
1. James Spader is Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron
This one happened so quickly, I didn’t even have a chance to consider what actor I would really want to see in the role. While I guarantee James Spader never would have made my list, it’s only because I never would have thought he’d do a superhero film. Plus, he’s headlining the new TV series Blacklist this fall. That fact has many speculating that his involvement in the film will be quite minimal, and I’m sad we won’t actually get to see Spader, but hearing him is almost as good.
Who would have thought that Alan Shore would one day become an unstoppable killer robot? And is that not the best sentence you’ve ever read?
What do you think of the newest members of the MCU? Perfect choices or are you still too caught up with Batfleck to even think about anything else? Sound off below or send us your thoughts on Twitter!