Features TV

5 Reasons to Love Spider-Man: The Animated Series

2. Spidey teams up!


All your favourite heroes get a chance with our friendly neighbourhood wall-crawler! Cap (of the America variety) gets a prolonged look-in during Spidey’s wranglings with the Red Skull, Doctor Strange makes an important appearance, and the Punisher, unbelievably, has repeat appearances. The Punisher. In a PG series where Spidey can’t even throw punches. Let that sink in.

1. Best Theme Song Ever

It has the coolest of any 90s cartoon theme. Okay maybe it ties with X-Men. This might sound like a jokey point that I’ve chosen to fill out the list, but honestly it’s the coolest thing you’ll hear today. Watch the video, try it and tell me I’m wrong. If you listened to this every morning, as you’re chewing your toast and drinking your orange juice, you would spontaneously develop superpowers and use them to fight crime. It is worth watching the show purely for the theme song, and that’s pretty amazing if you ask me. Or spectacular. Or ultimate… you get my drift.

Do you love Spider-Man The Animated Series? Or are you an Ultimate Spider-Man fan (LOL)?
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About the author

Will Webb