5. Cable (The Curse of Liefeld)
Yep. Cable was created by the walking punch line of the comic book artist industry, Rob Liefeld. For those of you lucky enough not to know what I’m talking about, Liefeld has something of a reputation with regards to his art style. That is to say, almost everybody hates it. His proportions are way off and he was known for tacking weird and seemingly useless stuff onto his characters. Hence Cable. A cool character, to be sure, but man does he look like crap. Thankfully his design was toned down later but we’ll never forget those… those… what the hell ARE those things anyway?
4. Jubilee (90’s Explosion)
We’ve had the worst of the 60’s and the worst of the 70’s, now it’s time for the worst of the 90’s! And do you want to know the strangest thing about this costume? In the animated series, this costume was actually… not a costume at all. This was Jubilee’s ordinary civilian clothing. She wore this before she even joined the X-Men. Wow. It really says something when your ordinary clothes are more flamboyant than most superhero costumes. And for some reason she kept wearing them after joining the X-Men. Did they not offer her another outfit? Or did they think that denim shorts and a coat from the April O’Neil spring collection would be enough?
3. Magneto (Purple “M”)
There are no words. I can’t… I mean… who would think this would be a good idea? Barely anybody remembers this costume. I had to hunt into the deepest recesses of the internet, where only the bravest and most depraved dare to tread, just to find a halfway decent picture of it! There’s no helmet, it’s ALL purple and did he really need the giant “M” on the chest? Was he worried that it was such a radical change that no one would recognise him? Actually, that’s a valid concern. I wasn’t even sure it was him. I thought the “M” might have stood for “mauve” or something.
2. Kitty Pryde (Take Your Pick)
Where to begin? Throughout the years, Kitty has changed outfits more times than I’ve had hot dinners. Hell, she’s changed her name a bunch of times as well! She wasn’t always just Kitty Pryde y’know. She was Ariel (Insert Little Mermaid joke), then Sprite (Insert popular soft drink joke) and eventually Shadowcat (Insert internet meme joke). Frankly, with the exception of her current and original costume, there isn’t a single outfit of hers that can’t be made fun of! Plus, in one of them she’s somehow managed to incorporate other bad designs into her own! Look, Dazzler’s roller skates and Marvel Girl’s pointy mask! The horror!
1. Quicksilver (X-Men: Days of Future Past)
I know the film hasn’t come out yet and I know I haven’t examined any other film costumes but… look at it. Just… look at it! What in the name of Chris Claremont were they thinking? I know I said I was pumped for Days of Future Past but… LOOK AT IT! GAZE INTO THE FACE OF STUPIDITY! Silver jacket? Some kind of wig, it has to be right? And goggles. FREAKING GOGGLES? WERE THEY HIGH ON POST-IT GLUE OR SOMETHING? BECAUSE THAT’S THE ONLY EXPLAINATION I CAN COME UP WITH! I suppose it could have been worse but did they not think it through a little? Also, am I the only one wondering why this character is going to be in two different films, in two different continuity’s, a year apart? Did nobody check to see if anybody else was planning on using the character?
But what do YOU think of these costumes? Are they the height of fashion or should they be donated to a charity shop? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter! Meanwhile, I’m going to thank my lucky stars that Edna Mode wasn’t here for this. I’ve still got bruises from last time.