Features Film

6 Things that Made Star Wars: The Force Awakens Awesome

4. The X-Wings & Tie Fighters!


Now there were some epic battle scenes throughout this film, but the aerial battles were breathe taking, the introduction of the X-Wings soaring across the water to defend the republic from the First Order attack was to put it simply… EPIC! With the X-wings and Tie Fighters battling it out in space, towards the end of the film brought, yes I am using this word again nostalgia back to the super fans and with the combination of today’s special effects and the nostalgia of yesterdays films provided us viewers something of a spectacle, I literally got goosebumps as soon as those X-Wings came flying into shot and what a better pilot to have than Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) kicking ass and I cant wait to see more of him in the X-Wings.

3. That Lightsaber Battle!


First of all whether you agree with me or not, I don’t believe the lightsaber battle at the end of the The Force Awakens is the all time best, however I do think its up there. the reason why? Well because there is some much raw emotion within the fight for the whole party. A lot is learnt from the emotions during the fight and from the characters themselves; we see Ren’s dark and sinister side take over him after killing Han Solo and it is shown throughout the battle between both him (Ren), Rey and Finn, then we see the determination and grit from Finn, which is why I am beginning to love his character so much, the battle signified a stamp showing he is an all out hero, and then Rey… we see the heart and desperation during her battle and finally!

Her ability of using the force. The battle was just a firework of emotion, it was like a soap opera, but that’s what made it so enticing to watch, also having the fight straight after the event of Han Solo being murder allows the emotions that are already felt by audience to be transferred into the fight, I mean: I think everyone wanted Ren at the point to get his ass kicked.

2. Kylo Ren


And here is the man himself, yes he truly deserves a mention because I thought he was brilliant in this film, which is what made it so awesome. Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) showed all the qualities of a bad guy and of his grandfather: Darth Vader. He’s a spoilt little brat who just wants more power and better Vader in anyway he can. There a various moments throughout the movie where Ren loses his temper and each time it shows a lot about the character, sometimes the hissy fits are comical but others however show the inner turmoil he is going through which links to his powers.

He’s using the force to manipulate his subjects and anyone who crossed him and it shows his passion to be the most powerful being there is, which will make him a force to be reckon with across the new movies. One thing I will add however is the reason why he is such an entertaining antagonist in my eyes which is basically… I hate him and what he did to Han Solo and the smugness in the way he did it made me resent him, but that’s what you want from a bad guy and that’s what makes this film in the end so awesome.

1. Han Solo Dying


Okay so there’s nothing awesome about this, but come on… it was the major changing point in the story and what brought out Rey and Finn’s ability and emotions. Whilst I was in the movie theatre, after that death scene, everything went silent, I think everyone of the audience froze for a short moment, because one of the most beloved character in the Star Wars universe has just been killed off by this ‘new kid on the block’, which in the end, made that last lightsaber fight ever so engaging. But having a major moment like this is, how films become memorable which creates an impact for the viewers, and if a film does this, then you know its awesome as it will have everyone talking of what happened; making a mark on its audience for a long time.

So that’s my 6 reasons why I thought Star Wars:The Force Awakens was so awesome; if you feel that I may have missed something out, or just want to add your own views, then send us a tweet or leave a comment on the article. Now only 500 and something days left for all of us to be getting excited again, happy holidays everyone.

About the author

Steven Galea