3. Being Different
DIVERGENT, the word means being different, and this is imperative to the story of Divergent, as being different, Tris helps guide her fellow people out of the dangerous situations that befall them after their tests. Katniss on the other hand is just a symbol and tries to overthrow a government, she suffers from post traumatic stress disorder and struggles with being the Mockingjay. This is understandable, because of what she went through, but she never gains the real leadership and overall importance that Tris does. As Tris is the leader of people just like her and is suppose becomes the high symbol of Divergents. But overall being different like in Divergent makes you more important and more powerful in the world. The people who are different are the ones that stands out and have the power.
2. Love Story
Every good teenage post apocalyptic nuclear fallout film (there’s a mouthful for you) has to have a key love story. Both Divergent and The Hunger Games do, yet, of course, Divergent’s is deeper and meaningful. Tris and four meet after Tris joining Dauntless and he trains her, they fall in love and end up wanting to do anything for each other. In The Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta pretend to be in love for the benefit of their lives but it so all false and for the cameras during the games, so that they would live. There us another love story in The Hunger Games and that is Kantiss and Gale. This is the obvious love story of boy loves girl, girl thinks they’re best friends and then they eventually realise they both do love each other meanwhile, everyone is trying to kill them. So yeah standard love story. I think because Tris and Four actually love each other and Katniss and Peeta are just pretending, but you could argue that Peeta isn’t, then the Divergent love story is much better and more believable.
1. Badass Females
The ultimate showdown of badass female characters: Tris v Katniss, Divergent v The Hunger Games. Now, I know what you’re thinking, how can you compare them? Oh but I can. Katniss, well Katniss, what can I say, I mean she is pretty cool in her own way, she can handle a bow and arrow which is awesome ! She just wants to protect her mother and sister which is understandable. She saves her sister from being in the Hunger Games and fights her way to her life with the help of faking the love between her and Peeta. She fights the Capital by becoming the symbol of the rebellion, The Mockingjay, reluctantly I might add, but she still does it. So she is badass. But she is also damaged and that holds her back.
So onto, Tris. Tris is just cool, I do like her a lot. The character is just so complex. She grows up in a selfless, minimal community, but does not fit in until she finds out that she is divergent, and decides to join Dauntless, where her life changes dramatically as she is more active and lives life on the edge. Tris, she isn’t as outspoken as Katniss but she still leads people out of the city and away from the government that is trying to kill her and her kind. Because of how much Tris changes in the film and the books and I think she is more badass than Katniss as she adapts into her new way of life and thrives.
The fact that there are films these days about strong female leading characters is important, and the fact that they are badass and can pin you down if need be, is even better.
Divergent is ultimately better than The Hunger Games because no-one is killing for sport and it ultimately stands for being different is good. Being Divergent is good.
Everyone is and needs to be Divergent, but what do you think? Are you a Kat or Triss lover? Let us know in the comments section below or send us a Tweet!