People have been speculating for months now on who would take the role of Captain Marvel, arguably the greatest Avenger there has ever been and definitely one of the best female superheroes to be put on the comic book page.
So you can’t just throw anyone into this role. Captain Marvel (real name Carol Danvers) is symbol of female power and liberation, and she is a total bad-ass. With Captain Marvel having such significance, finding the right actress for the role is quite the tightrope walk.
After this past San Diego Comic-Con, the world can breathe a little easier knowing that Brie Larson will be playing Captain Marvel.
If you’re not excited by this, then get your head out of the sand because I can’t think of a better choice than this amazing actress.
Here’s why:
6. She’s Already Familiar with the Comic Book World
In 2010, Larson played the role of rock singer Envy Adams in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and frankly, she killed it. As Scott Pilgrim’s ex-girlfriend, she brought a very stylized performance which fit the unique world of the film excellently. This role gave Larson the experience of being in an effects driven, action packed spectacular, and this is a major plus. Her role as Captain Marvel will no doubt feature Larson having to perform many stunts and act while standing in front a green screen, and thanks to her time on Scott Pilgrim, Larson will already have the acting tools to expertly play in a comic book world. This in turn will lead to a better, more confident Captain Marvel performance.
5. She Looks Perfect for the Role
Now I hate to focus on looks when that should be far away from this argument for Brie Larson, but dang, she really does look like Carol Danvers. This doesn’t really matter in the larger scheme of how she will perform in the film, but comic book fans are sticklers for authenticity, and the most staunch comic book purists can rest easy knowing that Larson fits the physical bill for Captain Marvel. Okay, back to more important things…
4. She Will Nail the Signature Marvel Film Humour
One of the trademarks of the MCU that has made it such a success is its blend of superhero action with down-to-earth humour. It is important for the Marvel superheros to not only to be able to match hits with one another, but also match wits. Brie Larson will no have trouble with this. She has proven to be an excellent comedic actress appearing in such films 21 Jump Street and Trainwreck (stealing scenes from the likes of Amy Schumer and Jonah Hill), as well as the hilarious television show, Community. Larson already has the comedic chops and I have no doubt she will hold her own when she is going wisecrack for wisecrack with Robert Downey Jr.‘s Iron Man.
3. She is a High-Calibre Actress
This past awards season, Larson took home nearly every Best Actress Award (including the only one that people care about, an Oscar) for her heart-wrenching performance in the film Room. Larson is a talented, powerful actress, and this will increase the depth of her performance as Captain Marvel.
A deep, well-rounded performance of Captain Marvel is doubly important not just for the film, but also for females in the superhero film genre. Captain Marvel will be the first film in the MCU to feature a female lead (and it’s about time, it’s only been 11 YEARS (!!!) since the first MCU film). Having Captain Marvel portrayed as a sophisticated, inspiring superhero is not only great for the MCU, but great for women.
2. She Is on the Cusp of Super Stardom
Casting Brie Larson right now is perfect timing as she is about to be catapulted into the stratosphere of celebrity. Sure, she already has the Oscar and some high profile films under her belt, but to be a superstar, you need to take on the big franchises as well. Jennifer Lawrence had The Hunger Games, Shailene Woodley exploded with the Divergent Series, and Larson will reach huge heights when she stars in Kong: Skull Island next year (with fellow MCU alum, Tom Hiddleston). By the time Captain Marvel comes around, the world will be very familiar with Larson, making even more people excited to see her in the role.
1. She’s Brie Larson, We’re in Good Hands.
I could list tons of reason why Brie Larson is perfect for the role of Captain Marvel. The looks, the talent, the humour, the personality, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, it’s most important that Brie Larson is Brie Larson. She commits fully to whatever role she is put in, and she does not just phone it in. I have no doubt that Larson knows how important this role is, not just for the MCU, but for women in general. And that knowledge is the most important. Larson will put all her effort in honouring the Captain Marvel role, but also providing a role model that is inspirational for the young generations looking for heroes that represent them. It’s about time.
Do you think Brie Larson is the best choice? If not, then who? Sound off in the comments or send us your thoughts on Twitter!