When you first open the pages of Dead End Kids, there’s an immediate feeling of nostalgia as you’re taken back to your favourite movies about teenagers just trying to figure out who they are. Frank Gogol‘s writing transports you to the first time you’ve seen The Breakfast Club, Stand by Me and even It. You feel the connection to them even if you’ve never personally gone through their same story. Simply put, it’s classic 80s/90s storytelling. And we are completely here for it.
The story follows a group of friends, each with their own personal family struggles, that find solace in one another’s company. A drunkard father, foster parents, and those struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes, all they have is each other. However, things take a dark turn when one of them, Ben, is found dead in a frozen lake. Suddenly, their world is turned upside down as they desperately try to make sense of the reality around them.
Gogol has masterfully crafted an engaging story filled with empathy and mystery. As a reader, you really feel for this band of misfits and want them above all else to succeed. The characters have distinct personalities. It’s a delicate balance between having an identity and merely following a trope or stereotype. Far too often it’s easy to fall into these traps of becoming too similar to what you are paying homage to. But Gogol dodges these issues masterfully and no one character feels like a carbon copy of a beloved Stephen King or John Hughes character.
Having the story set during the midst of winter allows for a beautiful colour palette. While some panels feel a bit stagnant, Nenad Cviticanin‘s artwork makes it impossible to look away. This is especially true during the scenes that take place outdoors. The landscaping and colours are striking yet also suck out any sort of hope you may have for these characters. Character designs are distinguishable and unique with the exception of Ben and James. At times, it was difficult to tell who was who in a panel due to their similar character designs.
Overall, this comic is turning out to be quite promising. The story is very engaging and the final pages will leave readers wanting more. With something that has such deep rooted influences, it’s hard to turn away from something as special as this. There’s so many ways this story could go and we’re definitely here for the full journey. There really isn’t much more we can say about this comic other than you should definitely purchase a copy. Simply put, this is one of those stories where you will be fervently turning page after page, always wanting more until it eventually comes to an end.
You can purchase Dead End Kids #1 through Source Point Press. If you’ve had the chance to purchase it, let us know in the comments below or send us your thoughts on Twitter!