Comics Features

8 Great Comics To Get Into As A Newcomer

The wonderful world of comics offers a rich tapestry of narratives, genres, and art styles that caters to all kinds of readers. However, for someone who is new to this medium, the sheer volume and variety can be overwhelming. The aim of this article is to simplify that choice, presenting an array of comics that are approachable for new readers, while also offering depth and quality. Here are some outstanding comics to get started with.

Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

No list of beginner-friendly comics would be complete without mentioning “Watchmen.” It’s a standalone series that many consider a cornerstone of the medium. A deconstruction of superhero tropes, “Watchmen” explores the psychology of its characters and presents a nuanced view of morality. The 12-issue series delves into themes of power, corruption, and the very nature of heroism in a gritty, alternate reality where vigilantes roam the streets.

What makes “Watchmen” so special, aside from its complex narrative and masterful execution, is its timely exploration of societal issues. Written during the Cold War, it delves into the anxieties of the era, creating a stark parallel to our own times. The series is packed with symbolism and metaphoric commentary, offering more to discover upon each read. In fact, its dense and layered narrative has led to it being studied in university courses around the world, cementing its reputation as a profound work of literature.

Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona

For those seeking a contemporary, diverse take on the superhero genre, “Ms. Marvel” is an excellent choice. The series follows Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-American teenager from New Jersey, as she grapples with her newfound powers and the responsibility they bring. With relatable characters and dynamic artwork, this series speaks to the experiences of young readers and immigrant communities, making it a powerful reflection of today’s multicultural society.

“Ms. Marvel” is more than just a superhero comic; it’s a groundbreaking piece of work that tackles the representation of Muslim-American characters in mainstream comics. Kamala Khan, the titular character, is a teenager navigating the challenges of identity, faith, and responsibility, all while dealing with typical adolescent issues. What’s more, her cultural background is not merely a backdrop but rather a crucial element of her narrative, making “Ms. Marvel” an enriching and enlightening read for all.

Silver Surfer: Parable by Stan Lee and Moebius

In the realm of cosmic narratives and existential themes, “Silver Surfer: Parable” stands as a landmark. The Silver Surfer, a herald turned hero, navigates through a plot where his former master, Galactus, forgoes his planet-devouring instinct and instead takes a more insidious route.

Galactus’s promise of peace and prosperity turns the world upside down, with humanity falling into the trappings of excess and hedonism. Amidst this, the underbelly of earthly desires is reflected subtly, with casinos serving as a symbol of the unchecked indulgence that unfolds. Usually associated with chance and fleeting fortune, these establishments mirror the gamble humanity takes in accepting Galactus’s false utopia. You can gamble yourself, albeit with lower odds! There are many ways to do this, including online casinos that feature a live dealer! You won’t quite be taking on Galactus, but you can win some money! Gamble responsibly, and don’t gamble if you can’t afford to lose it!

Batman: Year One by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli

Superhero stories have become a defining part of the comic book medium, and “Batman: Year One” is among the best of them. This story retells the Dark Knight’s origin in a gritty, noir-inspired narrative that encapsulates the heart of Batman’s character. While Batman’s tale has been retold countless times, Miller’s interpretation is lauded for its realistic portrayal of the struggles and trials Bruce Wayne faces in his early days of becoming Batman.

“Batman: Year One” takes a unique look at the caped crusader, framing him as a flawed, yet determined character. This perspective is enriched by a backdrop of corruption and desperation that paints a different picture of Gotham City. Readers see Bruce Wayne as more human than superhero, struggling with his fears and insecurities as he begins his journey. This reinterpretation makes “Batman: Year One” an introspective exploration of the Dark Knight’s origins, resonating with readers far beyond the realm of comic enthusiasts.

Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja

For those wanting something lighter with a modern twist, the Hawkeye series by Fraction and Aja is perfect. It provides an inside look at what the avenging archer does on his days off. This series is often humorous, beautifully drawn, and frequently heart-wrenching. By focusing on Clint Barton’s regular-guy side, it provides a unique perspective in a genre dominated by epic tales and world-threatening crises.

Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O’Malley

For readers who appreciate a blend of humor, action, and romance, “Scott Pilgrim” is a superb choice. Following the life of the eponymous character, Scott Pilgrim, the series is a quirky exploration of young adulthood. Scott battles his girlfriend’s seven evil exes in video game-style combat, but the real battle is his journey towards maturity and self-realization. The unique combination of manga-style artwork and contemporary Western themes creates a truly memorable reading experience.

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

“Persepolis” is an autobiographical graphic novel that gives readers a glimpse into the author’s life growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. It’s a compelling blend of history, memoir, and political commentary, delivered through expressive black-and-white artwork. Marjane’s story is filled with humor and heartbreak, and her struggle for freedom in the midst of oppression provides a humanizing perspective on a historical period often misunderstood in the West.

The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman

Rounding out this list is “The Walking Dead,” a gripping tale of survival in a world overrun by zombies. More than just a horror comic, it’s a character-driven drama that scrutinizes human nature under extreme circumstances. As the characters navigate the post-apocalyptic world, readers are compelled to ponder, “In a world gone mad, who are the real monsters — the living or the dead?”

By starting with these comics, newcomers can gain a broad overview of what this fantastic medium has to offer. Each comic is unique in its storytelling approach, artistic style, and themes, demonstrating the incredible diversity found within the comic book world. Remember, there’s no ‘right’ way to read comics.


About the author

Tom Smith

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