Star Noir is an interesting concept with genres well-perpetuated by its title. Written by Tony...
Author - Mae Trumata
The Hero Within “IQ: The Story Of Isaac Quentin”
Writer and artist Bryan Angrand challenges several difficult but important and relevant themes in...
Absolute Military Sins Madness In “TUNED”
TUNED opens with a quote by Ernest Hemmingway stating: “There is nothing noble in being superior to...
“Defenders Of Berk: The Endless Night” Introduces Sorcery Into...
In an opposing turn to ‘The Longest Day’ episode of Race to the Edge; Defenders of Berk: The...
“Junction Jones And The Corduroy Conspiracy” Instills Unease
Junction Jones and his trusted cat sidekick Nibs are a pair of private investigator enigmas. The...
Father And Son Excellence In “Riders Of Berk: Underworld”
Riders of Berk: Underworld is the last graphic novel under the Riders of Berk title. It’s safe to...
“Zip” Is A Hero To Someone In One Way Or Another
Zip is bizarrely interesting. It has a lot of the same superhero clichés one expects. There are...
The Mythic Callbacks In “Riders Of Berk: The Legend Of Ragnarok”
Have you read the news about a live-action How to Train Your Dragon film? If you haven’t—well, now...
“Dark Beach” And A World Without The Sun
Dark Beach as a title is a little bit of a misdirect. Before reading the recently released volume...
“Torrent” And The Water Gate To Past Lives
It’s not at all a coincidence that I’m reviewing this amid the rerelease of Titanic. There’s...