
Fantastic 4 Casting Rumors Kick Up A Storm

After months without any update on Josh Trank’s Fantastic 4 reboot, we’re now seeing casting rumors about not one but two of the lead roles. Michael B. Jordan, who previously starred in Trank’s Chronicle, is in talks to play Johnny Storm/The Human Torch. Meanwhile, Allison Williams, best known for her role as Marnie on the HBO hit Girls, is said to be circling the role of Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman.

Now, taken separately, there is nothing particularly remarkable about these casting choices. While neither is a major household name, both have a proven track record and are due for a big break. That said, however, taken together this casting news is much more interesting.

In the comics, Johnny and Sue are brother and sister, and both are typically portrayed as being white. While Jordan does seem like an excellent choice for Johnny, it does raise questions about whether Trank will be keeping the sibling relationship between the two.

If Trank does choose to ignore the fact that Johnny and Sue are brother and sister, it would likely create a storm of fan backlash. The Fantastic 4 have always been a family first and superheroes second, and it would change the character dynamics dramatically if Sue and Johnny weren’t siblings.

On the other hand, though, it wouldn’t really change anything to have the two be foster siblings or even if one or both were adopted by the Storms. It might even add to their characters to have had a less-than-perfect childhood, so much so that they wound up having to rely mainly on each other.

Either way, casting Jordan is as Johnny Storm will certainly be seen as a brave move, especially considering the recent controversy surrounding Idris Elba being cast as Heimdall in Thor. In my opinion, though, I think Jordan would be a great choice for the role, as long as Trank finds a way to maintain the Storm family relationships.

What do you think of these casting choices?

About the author

David Molofsky

David is the Founder & Editor-in-Cape of AP2HYC.