
Top 10 Episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

3. Once More, With Feeling (6×07)

BtVS once more with feeling

It would be considered a crime if I didn’t have “Once More, With Feeling” anywhere in the top 5.  This musical episode is a landmark episode that Joss Whedon wanted to do as early as Season 1 but wasn’t given permission to until sometime during the filming of Season 5. Whedon took nearly 6 months to write the music for the episode, along with his wife.

Season 6 gets a lot of hate, but I feel it’s subject matter showed the gradual maturation of the series as a whole.  This episode presents some dark ideas, but due to the addition of music, it feels lighthearted until you actually think about it.  The episode starts with Buffy singing about how dull life has gotten and at the end every character realizes how much their life has changed due to the demon causing everyone to sing.  The demon in this episode is a mixed bag for me.  I like his slyness, but in terms of make-up, I feel they just painted the actor red and gave him a chin prosthetic.

Some song highlights include Tara singing “Under Your Spell” to Willow, Giles singing “Standing” to Buffy, and Spike singing “Rest in Peace” to Buffy.  There is a great rhythm to this episode and the music never feels ham-fisted.  If I were to show someone an episode of BtVS who never has seen one, I would show them this one.

About the author

Philip Suson


  • Most excellent list! Anyanka’s death in The Chosen always got to me too…

    Personally, I always had a soft spot for The Zeppo.

  • So glad that Hush is on here – it has always been my favorite – nothing like The Gentleman to make life a little creepier.