
Our Top 5 Casting Choices for Thanos

3. Vin Diesel


Out of all the actors on list, Vin Diesel is the only one that seems to have been held in serious consider for an appearance in the MCU: apparently he has, at least, met with officials from the studio. Though mostly held in contention by fans to play the role of synthetic Avenger Vision, his breakout lead as menacing, cat-eyed convict Riddick in Pitch Black suggests that Diesel is capable of more than just XxX or an endless succession of Fast & Furious. His voice, like ice breaking, and his physique are fairly compatible with Thanos, though he may not possess the physical presence of, for instance, No’s 4 and 2.

One thing seems certain, however: Diesel’s appearance in a superhero movie is just a matter of time.

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger


Probably the most controversial pick on this list, the world’s premier Austrian action hero and former Governor of California blew any goodwill he might have had with comic book fans with his pun-ishing take on Mr. Freeze in Joel Schumacher‘s execrable Batman & Robin. Still, recently returned from the world of politics and pushing 60, Schwarzenegger has been making a belated comeback, though the films he’s used as vehicles to do have generally been forgettable. It might be a crazy thought, but why not incorporate him into The Avengers franchise? He’s too old to play one of the team (thirty years ago he might have made an amusing Thor), but the monstrous Thanos is still certainly in his wheelhouse.

Might that manic glint in his eye yet make up for the potential downsides of having an intergalactic villain so decidedly European in bearing? Only one way to find out…

About the author

Robert Wallis

You can also read Rob's work at www.ofallthefilmblogs.blogspot.com.