3. Dak Ralter
Dak was Luke’s gunner during the Battle Of Hoth who died when thier A-Wing was shot and crashed into the snow. Luke tried to get Dak out of the fallen ship but couldn’t move him. Dak was only 18 during the battle. With enough fleshing out, Dak could end up being as popular as The Force Awakens‘ Poe. I’ve always wondered what is was that bought him to the Rebel Alliance. Can someone say spin-off?
2. Bossk
I’m a man who enjoys a bounty hunter and Bossk is one of the coolest. Well, behind Boba Fett of course. Bossk was a mentor to the young Boba Fett and together they tried to avenge Boba’s father by killing Mace Windu. He was one of the bounty hunters assembled by Darth Vader to track the Millenium Falcon. Though we don’t know too much about him just yet, he’s still worthy of recognition for his bad-ass past.
1. Figrin D’An and The Modal Nodes
The Modal Nodes are possibly the best known of all the names on this list, if only for their infectious, if slightly repetitive, music in the Mos Eisley Cantina in A New Hope. I know they are an odd choice for a character that deserves more recognition, but if the Ewoks can get a cartoon spin-off and a couple of movies, then these troubadours definitely hold their own.
So I know a few of these characters have been given more background in the Clone Wars but a stand-alone story or maybe spin-off tv show could be very interesting. Let’s make it happen, Disney!
What do you think of my choices? Who would you put in instead because we all know as Star Wars fans we would all have different choices. Sound off in the comments or send us your thoughts on Twitter!