3. A New Cast
Now we all know that new faces are going to be popping up for this next instalment of the Star Wars franchise and after recent trailers and news feeds, I think we know they’re going to play a big part. What is exciting about having a new cast is that these new characters will pique our interest and give the franchise a fresh new look. These new actors, Gwendoline Christie (Captain Phasma), Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron), Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) and John Boyega (Finn), will give us as viewers something to follow on to after the original trilogy.
Having the film set 30 years later after Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi the introduction of these new characters will a give the film a new structure as it will create new backstories, excitement and surprises, whilst at the same time, having the original cast lend themselves in this development. At the end of the day this new cast will hopefully eradicate the mess the prequels created and push Star Wars into a new and promising direction.
2. A New Enemy, A New Sith
This is what I am most excited about, even though I have put it as second, I can’t wait to see Kylo Ren in action. Can he better Darth Vader? No, simple as that. No one will ever reach the heights of Darth Vader, However what Kylo Ren will bring into the film is the development of Vader’s legacy. For me Darth Maul was unconvincing, I love a bad a guy and even though he was portraying a evil character, I just thought he was boring. He didn’t say much, he lacked conviction as a antagonist and the sinister characteristics were just lost throughout the film.
Now we move onto Kylo Ren, yes there could be a risk that he could be the same, but we have J.J. directing remember and look what he did with Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch), now if he can capture the malicious and sinful characteristics that was seen in Khan, then we have a lot to look forward too. Other than this, with Ren on the scene, you know we are in for new Lightsaber battles and as the film world is continually evolving regarding stage combat, stunts and special effect, well I believe we are in for some of the greatest battle scenes to grace our screens. There’s no doubt that Star Wars will evolve with this film and the same goes for the epic battles that we are in store for, so just be prepared for some major galactic fighting on the 17th of December.
There’s nothing more exciting then simply… We have a new Star Wars film to look forward too and it not just the film to be excited for but the direction the franchise is going. We know already that there will be spin-offs and a Han Solo film. But if the film is a success and I am sure that Disney already have plans for a continuing story, will soon see a developing Star War universe that will bring anticipation and excitement which the Marvel Studios are doing so well with their comic films.
The film itself will promise a exciting future that will expand and give fans a lot more to look forward too. This could break the monotony of comic films in the cinema world at the moment, (which I don’t mind) but some people I have spoken too are getting fed up with comic films taking over, well for you people who feel like this, you could be in store for a new sci-fi epic that will bring all the galactic stories you use to love back onto the big screen, and anyone would be a fool not to believe that there is more to come in the Star Wars universe than just what is already said and spoken about.
Well there’s my list guys, if think I’ve missed something out or that another topic should of made in the list, then give us a tweet or leave a comment or send us a Tweet!. But I think we know, that this is going to be quite the spectacle and lets all look forward for the day we see Star Wars back on our screens where it belongs. May the force be with you.