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PODCAST: The Awesome Comics Podcast Episode 36: A Conversation With Pat Mills

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It’s an epic show this week, as Vince, Dan and Tony are joined by British comics titan Pat Mills… and boy do they all have one hell of a time. The conversation goes far and wide as the guys talk about tales of 2000ad, the lore and legends of Slaine, Pat’s unique take on superheroes in the cult classic Marshal Law, and the untapped mine of gems that is the European graphic novel market. That’s only the tip of the iceberg too. Seriously, there are so many great stories and fantastic knowledge jammed into this episode it might give you a nosebleed! Plus, as always, there’s also some great books and events you need to check out too, so get yourself comfortable and soak in 2 hours plus of awesome comic book conversation!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com
Let us know what you think!
Twitter: @theawesomepod   Vince: @jesterdiablo    Dan: @Vanguardcomic    Tony: @Ezohyez
Got some small press and self published stuff you want us to check out?
Drop us a line at tony.awesomecomicspod@gmail.com

About the author

Silje Falck-Pedersen