
PodCapers Ep. 44: Strike Team: Code Name: Diamond Force with Michael Tanner and Lukasz Kowalczuk

The President’s mistress has been kidnapped! Who will save her? Strike Team: Code Name: Diamond Force, that’s who! Scott is joined this week by Michael Tanner and Lukasz Kowalczuk to talk about their one shot comic, Strike Team: Code Name: Diamond Force! And yes, you have to say it’s full name. Inspired by the low budget action films of the late 70’s and early 80’s, it’s a rip roaring comic with ninjas on every other page. What’s not to love?

Support Michael and Lukasz, check out their Kickstarter!

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Intro to Michael and Lucasz, Origin of STCNDF, and the Characters – 00:40

Trouble at Conventions, Nostalgia, and Kickstarter – 29:00

50 Shades of Savage Dragon, Art Exibitions, and Ads – 53:38

Grindhouse, Wrestling, and Rewards – 1:05:00


About the author

Scott Meridew