The greatest moment when reading Modern Testament by Frank Martin was the very beginning as it opens with the Antichrist deciding the best way to bring about Armageddon is to run for President. With his not-so-subtle orange/blonde hair and promises to be speaking nothing but the absolute truth, the people fall in love with him. It is this black comedy that really sells this work as a whole and as readers turn the page, they will soon find themselves falling into tales that are charming, dark, disturbing, funny, and everything in between.
Modern Testament is a series of short stories compiled into one volume, all centered around the themes, characters, and plot lines from the Bible. As the title suggests, it takes a more modern approach to all of these, providing some really interesting ideas and concepts. For instance, there is a story in which the Four Horsemen are atoning for the events they will ultimately bring to Earth: War protests, Pestilence helps cure diseases, and Death is a doctor. There is a wide variety here, all with unique art styles. Some of the stories are dark while others are very reminiscent of Good Omens.Â
Like the stories, the artwork has a wide range. But each story has an artist and an art style that fits the piece perfectly. Character designs are also particularly strong throughout this work, especially the Antichrist from Campaign Promises and the Demon from the story The Bad Guy. The artwork in The Old Man and the Sea Serpent was also quite beautiful. Each panel really feels alive, making the ending of the story all the more poignant. All of these artists truly shine throughout their respective work and the wide variety adds to the excitement when reading each story.
My only complaint with reading this is the opening has such a strong presence that I was really hoping the rest of the comic would follow the concept of what would happen if the Antichrist ran for President. It’s really such an absurd idea but is executed so perfectly that I was craving for more of that particular story. While there are many other strong stories throughout Modern Testament, Campaign Promises really felt as though it could be an entire series on its own. Perhaps someday in the future it can be.
Ultimately, there is a really interesting set of urban biblical stories. If you’re an avid follower of Supernatural or enjoyed reading Good Omens, this is definitely something you may want to consider adding to your library. Even if you are interested in any urban fantasy stories, donating only $3 will allow you to receive a pdf copy of one of the volumes. It’s a good, cost efficient way to see if this is something that would interest you.