Warner Brother’s slate has been Kaiju-friendly as of late. What with Pacific Rim showcasing a...
Author - Jake Barber
Ness #1 Fuses Horror, Sci-fi and Comedy Together into an Awesome...
When I read the premise for Ness located on the back page of the comic, I have to admit, I held out...
The Dark Knight’s Long Halloween
Any fan of the Batman graphic novels or comics, whether an avid reader or not, has their own...
6 Reasons We Want Red Hood in the DCEU
Red Hood is in my humble opinion, the greatest character to have come out of DC in the past two...
Review: Agent Maya #1-#5
Science fiction and the musings of many regarding space/space travel, have always proved popular...
Suicide Squad: The Good, the Bad and the Critical
WARNING! Suicide Squad spoilers within. “You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive...
INTERVIEW: Glenn Moane, Creator of The Glory
We recently had a chance to catch up with Glenn Moane, creator of The Glory, a fantastic one shot I...
REVIEW: SnowCone City
I was one of those teenagers that grew up in the Golden Age of Saturday morning TV; a truer kid of...
TRAILER: Comic-Con Justice League Teaser Trailer
(WARNING! Some minor Batman v Superman spoilers are included below as well as a variety of...
How Can Suicide Squad Fit into the DCEU?
(WARNING! Batman V Superman spoilers below as well as possible Suicide Squad speculations by myself...