The Resurrected #1, written by Christian Carnouche, promises to be an exciting science-fiction tale...
Author - Jarek Lenda
Samurai Chef Provides a Light, but Exciting Meal
A parody of high-tension reality cooking shows, Samurai Chef follows the events of several shows as...
The Beginning of an Epic: The Misplaced: Chapter One Offers a...
An artistic spectacle, The Misplaced is a fantasy story of love after death. With story and art by...
4 Ways to Bring J’onn J’onzz into the DCEU
J’onn J’onzz, the Manhunter from Mars, has been a central member of the Justice League...
Nightingale Protocol Neatly Balances its Concepts of Philosophy...
Nightingale Protocol by Iqbal Ali with inks by Stephen Baskerville and cover art by William Heavey...
Bolts Promises Eerie Western Action
A mysterious stranger is rescued from certain death by a floating head and sent the dangerous world...