The primary television season has officially come to a close, which means it’s time for the 4th annual AP2HYC TV Awards! This year brought with it a slew of new heroes and villains, a bevy of bombshells, and enough excitement to tide us over until the Fall. We’ve spent months reviewing, recapping, and OMGing over your favorite (and maybe even least favorite) shows, and now it’s time to put you in the hot seat. Be sure to cast your vote and determine the best-of-the-best of nerdy TV. Which shows will come out on top? Only you can decide!
A new television season means new characters to fall in love with! We’ve narrowed down some of our favorite fresh faces of the year and now it’s down to you to choose your Favorite Breakout Character. Check out the nominations and then be sure to cast your vote!
The Tick (The Tick)
In a world of brooding vigilantes, the Tick is a bright spot of optimism and politeness. With a strong moral compass and a desire to fight for justice, the Tick is the antithesis of many of TV’s other superheroes. He is a humorous and goofy hero who serves as a much-needed addition to the fictional City and our television screens.
Lorna “Polaris” Dane (The Gifted)
Considering how enormous The Gifted ensemble is, it’s hard to believe that any one character could really be more memorable than the rest. One of the titular gifteds, Lorna Dane (codename Polaris) is noticeable for more than just her green hair. Lorna’s cocky attitude, reckless nature, and unending bluntness makes her an individual that stands out in any room. Having long-since embraced her powers, Lorna serves as one of the core members of the underground resistance. She’ll do whatever it takes to protect those she cares about and has no qualms about going to extremes.
Sam Arias / Reign (Supergirl)
The introduction of Sam Arias to Supergirl simultaneously brought friend and foe to the series. Sam, the compassionate and hard-working single mother, became fast friends with Kara and Co. A seemingly perfect fit to the gang, Sam became a welcome addition to the series as she brought new complexities to Kara’s life in the midst of the “mourning Mon-El” period. Sam only became more interesting when her alter-ego emerged as the season’s big-bad. Reign has been one of the few villains to outpace and outmatch Supergirl, making her the first believable threat since the show first premiered.
Anissa Pierce / Thunder (Black Lightning)
Anissa Pierce was a clear force even before her powers were revealed and she transformed into Thunder. An intelligent woman who stands her ground, Anissa was quick to embrace her powers in the hopes of using them to help others. As Thunder, Anissa is following in her father’s footsteps and using her range of abilities to bring justice to a pretty messed up world. Anissa was quick to become a fan-favorite, largely because she is just as compelling as herself as she is as her superhero counterpart.
Deke Shaw (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
At the start of the fifth season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Deke Shaw was likely the last person anyone would call “favorite.” He sold Daisy into slavery, never wanted to help the team, and always found something to complain about. It wasn’t until he opted to sacrifice himself to get the team back to their own timeline that things started to turn around. Once he was no longer stuck in the future Lighthouse, Deke became a character who quickly grew on viewers. His humorous interactions with the team and Earth, coupled with him being revealed as the grandson of FitzSimmons, turned Deke from a shady jerk to an entertaining bit of comic relief in a very dark season.
Voting for the 2018 AP2HYC Awards has now ended.
Be sure to follow AP2HYC on Twitter and keep your eyes peeled for the reveal of the final poll results!
Want to get an early peek at the TV Award victors? Subscribe to Podcapers on iTunes and Spotify! We’ll be announcing the winners there first and discussing the epic fandoms who voted in record-breaking numbers this year.