Seven years after his introduction in the disastrous Wolverine: Origins, Deadpool is back, with his...
Author - Josh Sammons
REVIEW: Luminous Ages #1
Luminous Ages is a new fantasy comic written, created and illustrated by the talented Anthony...
REVIEW: Red Lance #1
Red Lance is a new independent comic from the mind of creator Gary Bloom. The first issue of the...
TRAILER: Final Look at Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
With Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice set to be released in little over a month, DC has just...
INTERVIEW: Matthew Clarke – Creator of Renegade Pilot
Renegade Pilot is a new comic series featuring a kick-ass, take no names protagonist set in space...
SECOND LOOK: Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
The worst comic book film ever made, one of the worst films put to screen, these are just some of...
The 12 Days of Deadpool
There’s nothing like getting us in the holiday spirit than watching new clips from the Deadpool...
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice: What We’ve Seen So Far
Not to be outdone by Marvel, DC have recently released a new 40 second teaser for Batman V...
TRAILER: Independence Day: Resurgence
Amongst the flurry of comic book trailers, Fox has just released the trailer for Independence Day:...
Top 6 Moments From The X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer
So we finally got our first look at the new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer, and what a trailer it was...