Ghostbusters: Afterlife has garnered acclaim among viewers. This new chapter in the franchise...
Author - Daniele D'Arcangelo
“The Box” #1 Is A Cinematic Display Of Mystery...
“Why don’t you stop messing around, Bloom?” Right from the onset, the antihero main character of...
“FML Comics Collected” Is An Intimate Diachronic...
FML Comics Collected is an intimate journey across Natasha Natarajan’s life and her evolution as an...
“Marguerite vs. the Occupation”: A Realistic Fable...
Marguerite hurtles through the forest and heads towards danger. She wants to face it, armed only...
“Hop Dude” Searches For The Meaning Of Life
Hop Dude: Pasta and Existentialism by Dave Mercier is a slice of life story starring a very normal...
Auld Reekie: Why Edinburgh Is a Compelling Double for Gotham City
On early wintery mornings, I always found myself mindlessly strolling where the snow laid thicker...
Will Hawkeye Bring Positive Representation to Disabled Heroes on...
On a Saturday night in November 2012, in the heat of the battle against alien invaders, Hawkeye...