Recently Fox announced release dates for three upcoming X-Men films in 2018 which are New Mutants...
Author - Kevin Harkins
The Magical Mythical Mice is Escapism at its Cutest
Looking for a fun series of short stories for you children, then The Magical Mythical Mice is for...
Wolverine’s Top 6 Moments From the X-Men Films
With the release of Logan recently we have come to the end of Hugh Jackman’s run as the...
The Dredger #1 Presents Intriguing Concepts coupled with Tired...
In The Dredger Los Angeles is put into quarantine by the government because of the release of a...
Is the Future Set? Making Sense of X-Men Movie Timeline
One of the most hotly debated subjects of the X-Men film series is the timeline. Statements and...
Dark Matter II Boasts Wildly Diverse Stories involving Zombies...
Looking for a series of fun and interesting stories with twists reminiscent of The Twilight Zone...
Wolverine: One Last Time
Seventeen years ago Wolverine exploded onto the big screen in X-Men. Now in Logan he returns in...
6 Reasons The LEGO Batman Movie Could Be the Best DC Movie of...
The LEGO Batman Movie is upon us as the first superhero movie of the year. The spin-off of The LEGO...
Even In LEGO There Can Be No Batman Without The Joker
It has been said that there can be no Batman without there also being a Joker. Their views are so...
6 Reasons to Get Excited for Logan
Logan, the newest instalment in the X-Men film series, releases March 3rd and from the trailers...