Sometimes great art comes from a cruel, hand-delivered fate from life; that huge jerk. In this...
Author - Ariana Zink
Forged Proves To Be a Hero of Mirth and Silliness
Wanted: a hero, slight in stature, sly of wit, more doe-eyed than Bambi and as, if not more...
Wolf Country #7 Rips Apart Expectations and Leaves A Strong...
It’s no country for old men, wolf men or undead men down in Wolf Country. Writer Jim...
Top 6 Comics Debuting at Thought Bubble 2017
Thought Bubble is just days away. If you’re anything like me, you’re already planning...
Although Lacking Substance, Mitch Hammer #1 Is Colossal Fun
It’s hammer time. If you enjoy lip curling and an explosion of hammer puns, welcome home...
Frankenstein For Mayor Runs Campaign Into the Ground
Frankenstein’s face really says it all: disinterested; dull; despondent. Isn’t that the...
Marvel’s Inhumans Trailer #2 Lands at SDCC and Implodes on...
Some people got the real problems, like executives over at Marvel Television. They operate in the...
6 Things We Want in Sony’s Venom
The unfolding of Sony’s Venom film is like being glued to a live police chase. You...
Top 6 Game of Thrones Spin-Off Ideas
Everyone knows winter is coming, on July 16th to be exact. But what happens after winter is...
Marvel’s Inhumans Trailer Predicts Show is Destined For...
The trailer for the Marvel television series Inhumans demands viewers to create their own destiny...