Solar Flare is a post-apocalyptic comic from the creative team of writer James Haick and artists...
Author - Bard Brehon
Oh Hai Ku is a Unique Use of Short-Form Storytelling
“Fantasy stories told in the form of haiku and abstract paintings” seems like the kind...
Despite Lacking in Strong Stories, Modern Testament Vol. 4 Packs...
In what will be the, for the time being anyways, finale of the series, creator/writer Frank Martin...
Bard’s After-Dark Tales: Sunstone
My editor is yet to revoke my “talk about whatever weird sh*t you want” privileges, and...
Thought-provoking & Action-packed, Modern Testament Vol. 3...
Modern Testament Vol. 3, created and written by Frank Martin, continues the “anthology of the...
NPC Tea #2 and 3 are Simply Excellent
NPC Tea #2 and #3 by Sarah Millman succeed as both a continuation from the first issue and as a...
Ø Creator Rozi Hathaway Chats Themes of Loneliness...
I recently had a chat with comic creator Rozi Hathaway about her book Ø. She shared some fun facts...
Did Wonder Woman Save the DCEU?
So the numbers are in and Wonder Woman is a financial success! As monumental a step as this is...
Despite Uneven Artwork, The Big Comic Con is a Wacky Ride
The Big Comic Con by the team of writer Colin Maxwell and artist Michael Philip is an amusing story...
INTERVIEW: Rozi Hathaway, Creator of Cosmos & Other Stories
Because I needed an excuse to chat with a cool indie comic creator, we interviewed Rozi Hathaway...