Hold on to your toy lightsabres ladies and gentlemen, the good people at Disney have finally…...
Author - Josh Sammons
Versus Utulizes Simple Yet Effective Humour to Create a Great...
Comics, like movies, aren’t limited to just one genre. There are comedies, horror or straight up...
REVIEW: Luminous Ages #2
A few months back, I was lucky enough to review the first issue of the new epic fantasy comic...
REVIEW: Red Lance #3
Red Lance returns for the third issue in the superhero series. Picking up after the events of the...
INTERVIEW: Sunny Singh, Creator of PAGES
We recently got to chat with Sunny Singh, the creator of a new independent comic called PAGES...
TRAILER: X-Men: Apocalypse
With Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice dropping in just over a week it was easy to forget about...
REVIEW: Red Lance #2
Having reviewed the first issue of Red Lance, I was excited to get my hands on the second issue...
INTERVIEW: Andrew Taylor- Creator of Galaxy Girl
Galaxy Girl is a new, exciting, quirky comedy comic book created by Andrew Taylor. A Place to Hang...
REVIEW: Turncoat
Every once in a while, a comic will be released that will grab your attention, excite you, and make...
A Look Back at DC Presents: The Dawn of the Justice League
The day finally arrived and past us by in a flash, but the DC Films Presents: The Dawn of the...