In a world that seems more divided than not, sometimes its best to look at the world through the...
Author - Jillian Diblasio
Woodland Creatures Puts a Fresh, Exciting Spin on Urban Fantasy
It’s always hard to write an engaging fantasy that is set in modern times while also allowing...
Warpaint #4 Culminates With a Heartbreaking yet Moving Finale
One of the amazing aspects of the comic book industry is the ability to discuss topics that are...
Park Bench Kensington Is a Lyricist’s Dream
Few comics can truly grab and run with readers’ emotions like Park Bench Kensington does...
Arksong Boasts a Classic Fantasy Adventure Vibe, But Has Room to...
Sometimes, the simplest stories can be the most rewarding. There’s nothing wrong with being...
With a Diverse Cast, Daughter of Titan Brings a Breath of Fresh...
As much as we’ve progressed with diversity in media, Daughter of Titan proves that...
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Promise Lacks the Heart and...
When Avatar the Last Airbender aired its season finale on July 19, 2008, fans thought this was the...
The Legend of La Mariposa is an Upbeat, Fun Adventure for All
Sometimes, you just want to read a comic that’s nothing but pure fun. The Legend of La...
The Ups and Downs of the MCU in 2019
As 2019 comes to a close, it’s that time of year again where we take a look at Marvel’s...
Killtopia Volume 2 Packs a Glorious Punch
Killtopia is the epitome of mecha, cyberpunk storytelling. With its clear homages to old-school...