It was an odd sensation walking out of the cinema after seeing Wonder Woman the first time. The...
Author - Lisa Montgomery
INTERVIEW: C & Q Bowman, Creators of Ruthven: Citizen...
When I reviewed the first two issues of Ruthven: Citizen Investigator a few months ago, I praised...
FOX’s Rumoured X-Men Reboot: What’s It All About?
It can hardly have come as a surprise to anyone when rumours started circling that FOX would reboot...
REVIEW: Ghoul Scouts: Night of the Unliving Undead #1-4 is...
These days I consider it a rare pleasure when something manages to hold my attention right from the...
REVIEW: Ruthven: Citizen Investigator #2
Welcome back to the futuristic, corrupt and somewhat confusing society that is City-State. A quick...
REVIEW: Ruthven: Citizen Investigator #1
Upon first seeing its cover, I thought I was looking at a movie poster. And as it turns out, I...
The Making of Mystique: X-Men: Apocalypse
As one of the most intriguing characters in the X-Men universe, Mystique was for a shamefully long...
Road to X-Men: Apocalypse
Over the years, the X-Men franchise has developed a knack for confusing their fans. With a constant...
REVIEW: Kingdom Bum #1-#4
It’s been dubbed “Game of Thrones with cardboard homes” (by its publisher, Action...
Civil War: Tony’s Choice
If you haven’t already, you better pick a side – because Captain America: Civil War is...